I signed up for my first youtube account yesterday (amazing eh, I have never had a personal youtube account), and entered the wrong date of birth (I entered the year as 1996 instead of 1966). I didn’t notice at the time.
I then spotted that the site thought I was 15 rather than 45, but I couldn’t find a way to change it to the correct date. I decided to ignore it as I didn’t think it mattered.
However today when tried to add a Google+ account to my gmail account i couldn’t. I had of course linked my new youtube account, complete with wrong date of birth, to my gmail account and now my main google account thinks im 15 years old… If only eh…
I spent a long time trying to find a way to change the date of birth, only to conclude that I cant, so I decided to delete the youtube account and start over with a new account and the correct date of birth, and reconnect that to my gmail account.
However I now cannot do this as whenever i try to set up a new youtube account using either of my two email addresses (my gmail and my domain based address), i get the message that “there is already an account with this email address”. So the deleted youtube account, which has both of my email addresses associated with it, is still active on the server and is now not letting me set up a new account so that I can have the correct date of birth associated with it, so that I can a) create a google+ account, and b) avoid being closed out of any age sensitive materials on Youtube.
I find this kind of senseless going round the houses kind of stupid on line system to be so frustrating. Ive now wasted best part of the morning trying to sort this, all because I picked the wrong year on the youtube sign up form. Grrrrrr.
Ive emailed youtube twice this morning so it will be interesting to see how long it takes them to respond (if they respond at all) and what the outcome is. So now ill have to wait till its sorted out before I can have a look at Google+ or post any video content to youtube…